Location F "Neil Point" and
other New Homes
Tour Directions
Continue straight ahead.
After turning a sharp curve (Please Slow Down), you will
find yourself on Front Street which runs beside the rail road.
You will come to a stop sign at the intersection
of Front and College Streets (seen below).
This is the old town of Ellenwood where Ellenwood originated.
Ellenwood covers several counties but originated in Clayton County at this very intersection. This and other towns sprang up when the rail road to Atlanta came through the farming village.
Read the town documents and early history here >.
(Photo Above) From the Stop sign, you can look to your left
and see the old - one room School House at the end of College Street (with large wavy glass windows). The building of the
school in 1907 is mentioned in the historical records.
(Photos Above and Below) From the Stop sign, when you
look straight ahead you can see a small cement wall on the left side of the road. Some believe that this is the remains
of the old Train Depot that brought life to Ellenwood as passengers frequented the town a century ago.
(Photo Above) From the Stop sign, you are going to take
a right and cross the railroad tracks. After crossing the tracks you will see an old brick building on your right.
This is the old (original) bank of Ellenwood as described in the local historical records. It had a bank sign until
one of the previous owners removed this piece of local history.
